News & Press Releases 2013
IMO Christmas Arrangements
IMO Statement On Review of Medical Training and Career Structure Interim Report (McCraith Review)
Friday 20th December 2013. The IMO welcomes the publication of the Interim Report on a Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structures which has accepted many of the issues which the IMO raised in the context of the Review.
National Service Plan 2014
IMO responds to launch of HSE Service Plan for 2014 Plan amounts to an “austerity charter” for health services
Wednesday 18th December 2013. The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has launched a strong criticism of the HSE Service Plan for 2014 announced today.
Following leaked HSE letters - GPs express new concerns over cuts to Medical Cards
Saturday 30th November 2013. The Chairman of the GP Committee of the IMO, Dr. Ray Walley, has warned of “chaos” in the medical card services if the Government persists in its efforts to target €133 million in savings in the coming year – a €20 million increase on the amount originally targeted in the budget
IMO criticise “arrogance” of Health Ministers in respect of Free GP plans
Wednesday 27th November 2013. The Chairman of the GP Committee of the IMO, Dr. Ray Walley, has accused the Health Ministers (James Reilly and Alex White) of “arrogance” in their continued failure to discuss the Governments plans for Free GP care with the IMO
IMO welcomes EU Commission decision to refer Ireland to Courts over dangerously long working hours for NCHDs in Irish hospitals.
Wednesday 20th November 2013. The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has welcomed the decision by the EU Commission to refer Ireland to Court for not respecting EU rules on limits to working time for doctors in Irish public hospitals.
Medical Cards - Probity review looks set to become a witch-hunt warns IMO GP Committee
Dr. Ray Walley, Chairman of the GP Committee of the IMO, warned that thousands of people in receipt of a medical card face losing their entitlements over the coming months as a result of the probity review being undertaken by the HSE.
Ballot Result - LRC Proposals
The doctors have voted 76% in favour, 24% against in support of settlement proposals negotiated between the IMO and the HSE under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission.
IMO GPs call on Government for “re-assessment of priorities in respect of medical cards and GP visit cards”
…“we need a more strategic approach to policy development in healthcare ….at the moment its always politics led and that’s not working.”