Irish Medical Organisation

Sectoral Bargaining Update

We write to update you with regard to the Sectoral Bargaining process. As you are aware the IMO have been going through the dispute process as set out under the Building Momentum agreement.


On Thursday 19th January we attended at the WRC for a conciliation hearing between the IMO, HSE and Department of Health.


The conciliation heard from the IMO with regard to the four issues we are seeking to have resolved namely AMOs, Community Ophthalmic Physicians, Specialist Occupational Health Physicians and Sexual Assault Treatment Unit doctors. As members will be aware we have received counter proposals to our original positions on these issues which are entirely unacceptable to the IMO.


The conciliation hearing was adjourned without resolution until the 8th February with the WRC seeking DPER officials to attend the next hearing date also.


In the event that resolution cannot be found at the conciliation conference the matter will be referred by the WRC to the Labour Court which is the final arbiter in disputes of this nature.


We will update members further following the next conciliation hearing date.

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