Irish Medical Organisation

Policy and International Affairs Documents

IMO Position Papers

IMO Position Paper on the General Scheme of the Health Information Bill - October 2023

Please read here

IMO Pre-Budget Submission 2024 - September 2023

Please read submission here

IMO Doctor Mental Health and Well-being Full Report - March 2021

Read full report here

Recent Submissions and Statements

IMO Opening Statement to Oireachtas Committee - Employment of Consultants and Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors- 22nd May 2024

Please read submission here

IMO Submission to the Expert Taskforce on the Expansion of the Role of the Pharmacy - October 2023

Please read here

IMO Submission to the Interdepartmental Working Group on Rising Cost of Health-Related Claims - July 2023

Please read here

IMO GP Committee Submission to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health on the General Scheme of the Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services – Safe Access Zones) Bill 2022 - 8th May 2023

Please read submission here

IMO Gender Equality in Medicine Conference Report - February 18th 2024

Please read here

IMO Gender Equality in Medicine Conference 2023 - IMO Gender Equality Survey Presentation - 18th Feb 2023

Please read here

IMO Opening Statement to the Oireachtas Committee on Health - Welfare and Safety of Patients and Staff in Our Public Health Services - 8th Feb 2023

Please read submission here

IMO Pre-Budget Submission 2023 - September 2022

Please read submission here

Irish Medical Organisation Contribution to the TRIS notification 2022/441/IRL of Draft Regulations under Section 12 of the Public Health Alcohol Act, 2018. - September 2022

Please read submission here



IMO Opening Statement to the Oireachtas Committee on Health – Hospital Overcrowding - 9th March 2022

Please read here

IMO Opening Statement to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health on Issues Relating to General Practice - 26th January 2022

IMO Sub CoP Supporting Decision and Assessing Capacity - 7th January 2022

IMO Sub Code of Practice Advance Care Directives - 7th January 2022

IMO Sub on Adult Palliative Care Policy - 25th October 2021

IMO Submission HIQA Corporate Plan 2022-2024 - 8th August 2021

IMO Sub MCIRL review of the Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics - 4th August 2021

IMO Sub to the Medical Council CPD Stakeholder Survey - 3rd August 2021

IMO Feedback on Revision of HSE Open Disclosure Policy Template Final - 27th July 2021

IMO Pre-Budget Submission 2022 - July 2021

IMO Sub PH Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products - 25th June 2021

IMO Opening Statement to the Oireachtas Health Committee on the Impact of Cancer Services - 2nd June 21

IMO Submission on the Review of the Mental Health Act 2001 - 9th April 2021

IMO Sub School Bullying and The Impact on Mental Health - 25th Feb 2021

Draft S11 rules - Public Consultation feedback form

IMO Opening Statement to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health on Protection and Support for Frontline Healthcare Workers – 9th February 2021

IMO Pre Budget Submission 2021 - October 2020

IMO response to the Medical Council Consultative forum

IMO Consultation-feedback-form August 2020

General Provision and Availability of Hospital Beds August 2020

Public Consultation Feedback Form

Follow-up request for Submission on IT deficits within healthcare in Ireland July 2020

Statement to the Special Oireachtas Committee on the Covid 19 Response on the use of private hospitals and the impact on the continuity of treatment and healthcare delivery

IMO Submission to the Special Oireachtas Committee on Covid-19 on Infection rates among Healthcare Workers

July 2020

Read here

IMO Submission to the Special Oireachtas Committee on Covid-19 on Health System Capacity for Covid and Non-Covid Care

July 2020

Read here

IMO Submission to Covid 19 Nursing Homes Expert Panel_Final

June 2020

Read here

IMO Submission to the Special Committee on Covid-19 Response on Testing and Tracing

June 2020

Read Here

IMO Membership

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