Irish Medical Organisation

IMO AGM Consultants National Meeting Motions 2013

Saturday 6th April 2013

9.30am – 12.30pm

1. This meeting calls on the HSE to end the current practice of 2 for 1 post suppression required to create new consultant posts.

Proposer: IMO Consultant Committee

Status : Carried

2. The decision by the HSE to impose unworkable compensatory rest day provisions for 1:3 and 1:4 rosters is a breach of the Labour Court decision issued in November 2012. This meeting calls on the HSE to withdraw the instruction to hospital managers and to adhere to the Labour Court decision to reach an agreement on the new arrangements. Failure by the HSE to do so, or should agreement not be reached, the mater should be referred back to the Labour Court.


The decision by the HSE to impose unworkable compensatory rest day provisions for 1:3 and 1:4 rosters is a breach of the Labour Court decision issued in November 2012. This meeting calls on the HSE to withdraw the instruction to hospital managers and to adhere to the Labour Court decision to reach an agreement on the new arrangements. This meeting supports our representatives on the Consultant Committee in their direct enagagement with Clinical Directors group ( but regionally and nationally). Failure by the HSE to do so, or should agreement not be reached, the mater should be referred back to the Labour Court.

Proposer: IMO Consultant Committee

Status : Carried as amended

3. This meeting calls on the Department of Health and the HSE to engage in a consultation process with the IMO to implement the recommendations of the Hanly Report in regard to consultant manpower. 

Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee

Status : Carried

4. The imposition of the salary reduction for current or former locum and temporary Consultants, and in certain circumstances existing permanent Consultants is a breach of the Public Service Agreement. The salary reduction for these categories must be withdrawn and the IMO should inform the HSE that failure to do will result in the matter being referred to the Health Sector Implementation Body and, if required, to the Labour Court.


The imposition of the salary reduction for current or former locum and temporary Consultants, and in certain circumstances existing permanent Consultants is a breach of the Public Service Agreement. The salary reduction for these categories must be withdrawn and the IMO should inform the HSE that failure to do so will result in the matter being referred to the Health Sector Implementation Body and, if required, to the Labour Court.

Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee

Status : Carried as amended

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