Irish Medical Organisation

CPD Programme

For the 2013 AGM, the IMO is hosting a number of CPD events, with three Scientific Sessions and three Case Study and Skills Training events.  These sessions have been developed around a range of topics that are relevant across the medical disciplines and will ensure a varied CPD programme for IMO members.


1.5 CPD Points available

THURSDAY 5.00pm – 6.30pm

Ms Patricia Mallon

This session will look at the benefits of collaborative practice in resolving adverse medical outcome issues. Collaborative practice can be initiated by any party at any time after medical error/adverse event: the sooner, the better to maintain (rebuild) physician/caregiver/hospital-patient relationship, preserve learning opportunities and collaborate in future improvement and cooperation. Specific stories of participation, apology, forgiveness and enhanced relationships will be provided.


2 CPD Points available

FRIDAY 10.00am -12.00pm

Mr Michael Comyn, Broadcaster, Business Coach and Trainer

Instance of doctor burnout and stress are well documented in the medical profession. In this workshop doctors of all craft groups will be provided with the techniques to manage workplace stress and resilience.


1.5 CPD Points available

Saturday 6th April:  8 - 9.30 am

Dr Declan Bedford & Dr Fenton Howell

The role of advocate is one of the most important professional duties and responsibilities of each every doctor. This workshop will help doctors develop the necessary skills to fulfil this role.

Biographies of Speakers

Ms Patricia Mallon

Patricia Mallon MA Solicitor and Accredited Mediator

Patricia is a partner of the firm Eoin C. Daly Mallon and specialises in Family Law. She is a co-founder and former Chairperson of the ACP (Association of Collaborative Practitioners in Ireland) and a former Director and Secretary of the IACP (International Academy of Collaborative Practitioners). She is a Restorative Justice practitioner

Patricia is also a co-founder of the country’s first dedicated interdisciplinary conflict resolution centre known as Cork Resolution Centre. As part of the work of the Centre, she and the members of Cork Resolution Centre organised a two day conference on the topic of Medical Error and Collaborative Practice in Cork in 2012, when one of the leading lawyers from the United States came to Ireland to present at the two day event. She has also attended the Open Disclosure training at CUMH, Cork.

She has written articles and presented at conferences on the subject of Collaborative Practice in Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Holland, Germany, Canada and the United States. She is currently Honorary French for Cork and is also a graduate of Common Purpose.

Mr Michael Comyn

Michael Comyn is a business coach, trainer, broadcaster and scriptwriter with international experience of over 28 years of informing, entertaining and energising audiences. In 2013 he is presenting a number of new seminars and coaching options around authentic leadership and derailment awareness for leaders. He is also a trained facilitator in the Immunity to Change ® programme taught in Harvard University. Michael Comyn is founder of The Fearless Organisation, formed with the purpose of removing stress from everyday situations and generating a stronger value of work life balance. This fear is manifest in communications, leadership, self-promotion and personal development. Michael is a frequent public speaker, panel member and contributor on work place stress and resilience. He also runs the highly successful Fly Fearless Seminar, which so far has educated over 1,800 participants on managing anxiety related to flying. Michael has developed "The Resilient Leader" course, an intensive one-day programme supported by additional one to one coaching for participants. This course has been delivered successfully around the world to Director and VP level. He has also designed the programme to support "Start-ups" across all levels. He is an Associate Faculty Member of Dublin City University, Associate Faculty Member of the Institute of Leadership at the Royal College of Surgeons and has presented on programmes for the RCSI, RCPI, The College of Anaesthetists of Ireland, and the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland. In the corporate world he has coached and presented for Google in the US and Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, PepsiCo, RTE, Stryker Ireland, Simtech Aviation and Kingspan Ireland.

Dr Declan Bedford

Dr Declan Bedford
He was President of the Irish Medical Organisation in 1994 and a long standing member and Chairman of the IMO Public Health Committee. He also served on IMO Council Committee.
His work in highlighting issues such as Alcohol Abuse, Suicide and men’s health has positioned the IMO to become one of the first port of calls for journalists and others when researching these issues and many of his research papers have been published in national and international journals.
In addition, Declan has continuously campaigned for safer roads in Ireland and because of his work on this issue the Irish Medical Organisation received an award in 2010 for its ongoing commitment to road safety in Ireland from the European Road Safety Charter.
In March this year Dr. Bedford was also chosen as the recipient of the Fiona Bradley Medal for his outstanding work on promoting road safety.
But all of the above did not include his day job. Declan who recently retired was Acting Director of Public Health Medicine in Population Health.
He graduated from the Medical School of UCD. He is a fellow of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. He worked as a Specialist in Public Health Medicine for the Population Directorate of the HSE based in Navan, Co. Meath.

Dr Fenton Howell

Dr Fenton Howell
Dr Fenton Howell is a Director of Public Health with the HSE and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Public Health with the Dept of Primary Care and Public Health, TCD. He is the National Lead for the newly established HSE Prevention of Chronic Disease Programme. He is also the Chair of the HSE Social Marketing Working Group on Tobacco.
His current interests include tobacco control, cancer prevention, road safety, demography, the provision of paediatric health services, and health and patient information.

Dr Howell qualified in Medicine from UCD in 1983, he obtained his Masters degree in Public Health (MPH) and his Diploma in Child Health (DCH) in 1987, his membership of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine (MFPHMI) in 1990, a Bachelor of Commerce (B. Comm.) degree in 1991, a Diploma in Management for Medical Doctors in 1993 and a Diploma in Healthcare Management in 1994. He was awarded Fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine (FFPHMI) in Ireland in 1995, Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians in 2001 (FRCPI) and Fellowship of the UK Faculty of Public Health (FFPH) in 2005.

Dr Howell has been active in many governmental and non governmental organisations over many years and has held leadership roles in many of them: he has been President of the All Ireland Social Medicine Group, the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) and The Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. He is also a former Dean of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine in Ireland and Chair of ASH Ireland. In addition he has been a Board member of the All Ireland Institute of Public Health, the Medical Bureau of Road Safety, the Tobacco Free Research Institute and the European Network for Smoking Prevention. He is currently on the Board of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, ASH Ireland and the National Cancer Registry of Ireland.

He has published and presented scientific papers on many aspects of public health and was awarded the Registrar's Prize Medal by the Section of Epidemiology and Public Health. Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland in 1986, the Sir Patrick Dun Gold Medal by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in 1993, the Doolin Medal by the Irish Medical Organisation in 2001, the Noel Hickey Medal by the All Ireland Social Medicine Committee in 2006 and the Zachary Johnson Medal by the Faculty of Public Health Medicine in 2011.

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