Irish Medical Organisation

Message from Prof Tierney

Your AGM; Your Future; Your Patients Care

Have Your Say - IMO President

IMO President, Prof. Sean Tierney urges all members to attend the IMO Annual General Meeting in Killarney from April 28th – May 1st.

“There is no shortage of observations and opinions about the Irish Health Service in the public domain. We all know that much of what we hear is neither, accurate or impartial. It is crucially important that the voice of doctors - all doctors - should be heard in this debate. Therefore I urge you the medical profession to come to this years’ AGM and ensure that future decisions about you and your patients' care are properly informed. We need health service reform to be about ensuring that healthcare for our patients is more effective and more efficient; that it delivers as much as possible for as many patients as possible; and that it values the contribution of all those with the skills and ability to provide that healthcare.”

“Whether you are a veteran or never attended a meeting of the IMO, it has never been more important that you would take the time to attend this year's AGM. In particular, if you are newly qualified GPs, NCHD’s or Consultant, you should make the trip. All doctor's need to stand together in protecting the delivery of effective healthcare for our patients, showing how we can do this more efficiently, and ensuring that our contribution to reform is recognised.”

Conference details and a booking form are available on the website and staff in IMO office Tel: 01 6767 273 or email will gladly assist you with any questions or arrangements you may need.

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