Irish Medical Organisation

Firstly thank you for all your support in the #standingUP4NCHDs campaign.  The result of the ballot for industrial action, with over 97% of NCHDs in favour of action up to and including strike action, has given us a strong mandate to seek resolution to all the issues raised in the campaign. In particular issues around current contract breaches and the need to develop a new NCHD Contract that aligns with the needs of NCHDs and the delivery of safe care.


We have now advised both the HSE and the Department of Health of the ballot result and sought urgent engagement on the issues.  We have been clear that direct negotiations with the IMO, as the Trade Union representing NCHDs, is required in order to avoid industrial action.  We hope the Government and HSE will respond positively but if they are not prepared to engage on all the issues we will be left with no option but to serve strike notice.  Copies of the correspondence can be viewed here and here.


We appreciate the support of all our NCHD members and welcome those members who have joined in recent months.  We encourage all NCHDs to now show solidarity with colleagues and join the IMO so that you can be represented in negotiations and you can be protected in the event of industrial action.  If you have not already joined please click the link here to join.    


We have heard the voices of NCHDs and it is important that we continue to highlight the dangerous, unsafe and toxic working conditions faced by you and your colleagues.  Please continue to follow, like and share IMO posts on Twitter and Instagram and share your own stories.  

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We will be in touch as soon as we have a response from HSE and Government.

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