IMO AGM votes in favour of an overhaul of the Constitution and Rules of the Organisation
New rules will ensure greater transparency and greater oversight in respect of financial affairs.
Friday 25th April 2014. The AGM of the Irish Medical Organisation has voted in favour of a comprehensive overhaul of the Constitution and Rules of the organisation. The Council of the IMO proposed the rule changes following an extensive review exercise. The rule changes are designed to reform the way the organisation is managed and operated and to increase the level of transparency which members have about the operation and finances of the organisation.
Speaking tonight the President of the IMO, Dr. Matthew Sadlier, welcomed the vote in favour of the rule changes. He said; “these changes are a key part of our efforts to modernise and reform the IMO to ensure that it is fit for purpose and to ensure that members have much greater control and transparency over how it is managed.”
Key Changes
Key changes that will come into effect as a result of the rule changes include:
• The creation of a new Executive Board that will include representatives from different specialties and, for the first time, Non Executive Directors.
• New electoral processes for the election of members of Committees to broaden the representation on those Committees.
• The creation of a special Executive Board Committee on Audit and Risk.
• Greater oversight and control of the organisation by the Council of the organisation.
• New Standing Committees dealing with Governance and Ethical issues respectively.
• Increased oversight of the financial administration of the organisation including the disclosure annually of the remuneration package of the Chief Executive Officer.
• Key financial decisions to have greater level of oversight + a strengthening of internal financial processes.
• Reform of Stipend and Expense Protocols – published annually .
• Greater financial information and detail to be published in financial statements (including salary to Chief Ex).
The organisation has also undertaken to review the Rules every 3 years and to reviewing the Code of Practice each year.