Irish Medical Organisation

IMO AGM 2018 - Motions and Election Forms


The IMO AGM is the forum at which overall IMO policy on health service issues so as to assist IMO Council in the development of policy and also a forum to allow debate on issues affecting each of the specialty groups so as to inform the work of the National Specialty Committees. We would encourage members to submit motions to the AGM so as to highlight and encourage active debate on the many issues besetting the delivery and development of our health services. 

Please click here for the AGM Motions form

Click here for the AGM Motions Guide

Last day for receipt of AGM Motions: 5.00pm on 16th February 2018


The National Specialty Committees are vital to the work and success of the IMO. Members of each Committee are mandated by their peers with representing the interests of their colleagues in terms of contractual matters and pursuing policies for the development of our health services. If you are interested in being a member of one of our National Specialty Committees please complete and return the Nomination Paper by 16th Febraury 2018.

For Consultant Election Form - click here

For GP Election Form - click here

For NCHD Election Form- click here

For Public and Community Health Election Form - click here

Nomination for Election must be received by 16th February 2018. 

If you have any further queries about this year's AGM please contact the IMO by emailing: or by calling (01) 6767273.


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