Irish Medical Organisation

The European Junior Doctors (EJD) and the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) are hosting a Seminar on GP Training Issues for GP Trainees

Date and Time:     Saturday the 5th of September 2015 from 10am to 3pm

Venue:                     IMO House, 10 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2

The Irish Medical Organisation is a member of the (EJD) the European Junior Doctors – Permanent Working Group which represents over 300,000 junior doctors in Europe and whose initial objective is to safeguard the interests of Junior Doctors in Europe. GPs are the backbone of the healthcare system and the EJD and the IMO are hosting this seminar to elaborate the differences in GP services and training systems all over Europe and some of the options taken for improving these systems.

The seminar will be followed at 3.30pm by a presentation and discussion from the IMO on

IR Issues Present and Future: Your Thoughts on a New GP Contract

Places are limited and registration is essential. 
Please could you register for this event by emailing me Vanessa Hetherington at



10.00 – 10.30 Welcome & Opening

Dr. Ray Walley (IMO President) / Carsten Mohrhardt (EJD President)


10.30 – 11.00 The Irish GP and GP Training System

Dr Rukshan Goonewardena, (IMO NCHD Committee & Former Chair NAGPT)


11.00 – 11.30 What do GP´s in Europe do?

Monica Teran (Spain, EJD UEMO liaison officer)


11.30 – 12.00 Chronic disease management in reality

Anne-Eva Speeks (Netherlands, President of LOVAH)

Carsten Mohrhardt (Germany, President of the EJD)


12.00 – 13.00 Clusters & assessments – a new approach in Hungary

Gergely Fürjes (Hungary, Deputy Chief of Program)


12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Break


13.30 – 14.00 How e-Health improves primary care

Raquel Gomez Bravo (Luxembourg, Vasco da Gama Movement)


14.00 – 14.30 Training in Practice Management

Anne-Eva Speeks (Netherlands, President of LOVAH)


14.30 – 15.00 Discussion & Conclusions

Dr. Ray Walley (IMO President) / Carsten Mohrhardt (EJD President)

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