Irish Medical Organisation

Educational Sessions

Thursday 20 April

The Doctor as Expert Witness 4PM-5:30PM

Antonia Melvin of O’Connor Solicitors provides some useful guidance on preparing to give expert evidence in court.

Rheumatology Skills training – Joint Injections 5:30PM-7PM

Professor Trevor Duffy, Clinical Director and Consultant Rheumatologist, Connolly Hospital, will provide a practical demonstration of joint injections for those interested in improving their skills in pain management.

Prevention of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 7 PM-8:30PM

Dr Mary O’Mahony, Specialist in Public Health Medicine, A/ Director Department of Public Health, HSE South, discusses the recognition and prevention of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Life After GP Training - 7pm – 8.30pm

Dr Mait Ó Faoláin, IMO GP Committee member and the IMO IR Unit will provide a practical interactive talk to GP Trainees and what they might expect on leaving the training scheme.

Friday 21 April

Cybersecurity - Protecting personal health data on-line 8AM-9:30AM

At this session Jim Gregg of the Irish Computer Society discusses the reality of cyber-threats, their consequences and what measures need to be taken by healthcare organisations, big and small, to protect patient data.

Investing in Healthcare – How much? Where, when and why? 4PM-5:30PM

In order to meet current and future demand for care, we need to double the capacity in our healthcare system. Dr Brian Turner, Health Economist, UCC, examines how the Irish healthcare system compares with other modern healthcare systems and identifies what resources are needed to meet the needs of a 21st century healthcare system.    

Financial Seminar

Turbulent Times 5:45PM-6:45PM

Francis McGrath, QFA, Senior Financial Advisor at IMOFS discusses financial planning at key points during a doctor’s career.

Market Overview 6:45PM-7PM, Zurich will provide an overview of Financial Markets

Saturday 22 April

Assisted Decision-Making - duties and responsibilities 7:45 AM- 9AM

In this session Dr Shaun O’Keeffe, Consultant Geriatrician, Galway University Hospital, examines the main provisions of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 and their relevance to medical practitioners.

The future for doctors in Ireland 12PM-1:30PM

Ireland produces more medical graduates per population than any other health system in the OECD, however just over half of them intend to remain in Ireland. Dr Anthony O’Connor, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Tallaght Hospital explores what motivates young doctors and how our health system lets them down.  

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