IMO NCHDs vote to accept agreement to tackle key issues including unsafe working hours, difficulties in getting paid for hours worked, guaranteed access to leave for essential exams and payroll problems
“This has to be the beginning – not the end – of comprehensive reform of the working conditions faced by NCHDs” - Dr. John Cannon, Chair of IMO NCHD Committee
Tuesday 20th December 2022. A ballot of NCHD members of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has voted in favour of an agreement negotiated by the IMO with the HSE and the Department of Health which will help eliminate unsafe and illegal working hours. This agreement will see employers being penalised for noncompliance. The IMO also secured negotiations on an entirely new NCHD contract, to commence in January.
The ballot concluded last night (Monday) at midnight. 81% of the votes cast in the ballot were in favour of accepting the agreement.
Dr. John Cannon, Chair of the IMO NCHD Committee, welcomed the outcome of the vote; “This agreement is a milestone in our campaign to reform working conditions for NCHDs in the Irish health services. However, it does not mark the end of our campaign. The real goal remains to negotiate a comprehensive, fit-for-purpose new contract for NCHDs, and that task begins in new negotiations in January. We expect that the HSE and all hospitals will now abide by the terms of this agreement and the IMO will be monitoring compliance. NCHDs have been left to deal with unsafe working conditions for too long and if the HSE does not ensure compliance we will take industrial action.”
The agreement followed extended negotiations between the IMO NCHD Committee and the HSE and Department of Health. Those negotiations followed an overwhelming vote by NCHDs (97%) for action up to and including industrial action in a ballot earlier this year.
Key elements of the agreement include: