Irish Medical Organisation

IMO AGM passes Emergency Resolution in support of NCHD Campaign

“The current system is bad for doctors and unsafe for patients” - Dr. John
Canon, Chair of IMO NCHD Committee:
Embargo: 12.50pm Saturday 28 th May 2022. The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has
unanimously passed an emergency resolution in support of Non-Consultant Hospital
Consultants (NCHDs). The emergency resolution was voted upon at the AGM of the IMO
which is taking place today (Saturday) in the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. Non-Consultant
Hospital Doctors are engaged in a campaign #standingUP4NCHDs seeking to address unsafe working hours for both doctor and patients as well as significant contract reform. NCHDs are currently balloting on taking industrial action, up to and including strike action, in support of their campaign. The ballot will close on the 9 th of June.
The emergency resolution passed at the AGM today states:
“This AGM, on behalf of all members, fully supports our NCHDs and their #standingUP4NCHDs campaign and ballot for industrial action.  The unsafe and illegal working hours, huge financial burdens and levels of burnout and stress faced by NCHDs will no longer be tolerated. We call on Government and the HSE to recognise and seriously address the challenges and inequities faced by our colleagues who are the consultants, GPs, public and community health doctors of the future.” 
Dr. John Cannon, Chairman of the NCHD Committee of the IMO said; “we welcome the
unanimous vote in favour of this important resolution. The campaign for better conditions
for NCHDs is a campaign being supported by all doctors, GPs, Consultants, Public &
Community Health Doctors. The current system is bad for doctors and unsafe for patients.
We are driving more and more NCHDs abroad and there is no reason for them to come
back. Current contract issues are a monumental act of self-harm by the HSE and the
Dr. Cannon told the AGM that unless the HSE and Government seriously engage with the
IMO, as the Trade Union for NCHDs to resolve these issues there will be no alternative but
to take industrial action. Dr Cannon said “We as doctors want to treat and help patients but
our current working conditions are actually unsafe for the very patients, we are trying to
deliver care to. Taking industrial action is not an easy decision and we hope that it does not
come to that, but it is entirely in the hands of the HSE and Government.”
The immediate issues to be addressed are:
  • Address the systemic and persistent contract breaches around unsafe and illegal hours
  • Implement transparent verification and payment systems for all hours worked, and a payment system  that avoids repeated spells paying emergency tax and reduces the need for NCHDs to repeatedly provide information already held within the system
  • Provide guaranteed access to annual leave and study leave
  • Introduce measures to address financial burden associated with training structures
  • Agree improvements to funding and operational issues for TSS


NCHDs are also seeking a full contract review that will recognise the changing demographic of the NCHD workforce.
Dr Cannon said “NCHDs are united, resolute, and determined to get progress on these
issues. We will not settle for more lip service or promises of some great future, we need
action now. This dispute needs to be resolved and we are prepared to enter negotiations to
make the health service a safer place for patients and doctors alike.”

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