The Irish Medical Organisation joins the international medical community in condemning the Turkish Draft Bill Banning Doctors from working
The Council of the Irish Medical Organisation joins the International medical community in condemning the move by Turkish authorities to restrict the freedom of Turkey’s Doctors to practice medicine.
Under the new Bill approved by Turkey’s Health Commission thousands of doctors who were dismissed from public service as a result of Law decrees issued under the State of Emergency are to be banned from practicing their profession for 600 days, while others may only practice their profession in private health institutions with no contractual relationship with the Social Security Agency. Medical reports by those physicians will have no validity before judicial and administrative bodies.
This new Bill will not only deprive thousands of doctors of their right to work, but also denies millions of Turkish citizens the right to receive the medical care that they need.
The medical profession is guided by internationally recognised ethical principles as laid out in the WMA Declaration of Geneva which makes it clear that Doctors must be allowed to practice free from political interference.
The Irish Medical Organisation echoes the concerns from the World Medical Association and the Standing Committee of European Doctors and calls on the Turkish Grand National Assembly to take all the necessary steps to ensure this new draft legislation is withdrawn and that Doctors in Turkey are facilitated in the delivery of care to the sick and injured rather than being punished for so doing.