Irish Medical Organisation

IMO President warns on measles outbreak in North Dublin

“Measles is highly contagious .... we need to increase uptake of MMR in children at 12 months old and at 4-5 years old.”

Thursday 16th November 2017.   Dr. Hogan was speaking in light of the recent outbreak of measles Dublin North and Meath.   Dr Ann Hogan said: “although vaccination rates for MMR in Ireland are high, this recent outbreak points for the need of an increased public awareness campaign.”

“Measles is a highly contagious disease and although vaccination uptake rates for MMR in Ireland are high, we are not reaching the national target of 95% uptake of MMR. 95% uptake of 2 doses of MMR is required to halt spread of measles in the community. This recent outbreak highlights the need to increase uptake of MMR vaccine in children at 12 months old and at 4-5 years old.”

Dr Hogan pointed out “Vaccination is the only measure that prevents infection and vaccination programmes are a critical element of the country’s health protection activities, as vaccines prevent acute illness and long-term side effects due to infectious diseases, particularly amongst at-risk groups.”

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