Programme of events
IMO Annual General Meeting 2019 Timetable
Thursday 25th April
3pm Opening Session
Minutes, Annual Report, Treasurer’s Report, Results of Elections, Deceased Members
3.30pm General Motions
7pm Seminar 1: Opportunities to Learn or Rush to Judgement
An expert panel will examine the reaction to adverse health events and look at how the political system, media, medical profession and patients respond. The session will address issues around opportunities to learn and improve, how confidence in health systems are affected and what we can do better in terms of our response.
Alison O’Connor, Journalist, broadcaster and author
Martin Wall - Industry correspondent, Irish Times
Dr Suzanne O’Sullivan, - Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Cork
Bernie O’Reilly, Chairperson, Patients for Patient Safety Ireland
8.30pm Outgoing Presidents Address and Handing Over of Chain of Office
Dr Peadar Gilligan will address delegates at the end of his term of office and Dr Padraig McGarry will accept the Presidential Chain of Office
9pm Buffet Supper for Delegates and Guests
Friday, 26th April
Morning Golf Competition, Killen Course, Killarney Golf and Fishing Club
1-2pm Lunch
2pm Seminar 2: Climate Change and the Impact on Health
Our speaker will identify the key climate change issues that are having an effect on both population health and individual health today and what may happen in the future if no action is taken
Dr Ina Kelly, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, HSE Midlands
3pm Seminar 3: The Road Less Travelled
This session will hear from doctors who used their medical training and knowledge to work in very challenging situations abroad in war torn and developing regions of the world.
Dr Patrick Kelly, Irish Defence Forces
Dr Niamh Allen, Médecins Sans Frontiéres
4.30pm Seminar 4: Communicating with Vulnerable Patients
Many patients presenting to the health services are extremely vulnerable and this leads to particular challenges to frontline staff in doing their best to communicate appropriately in caring for these patients. This session will explore methods of communication and building relationships between doctor and patient in challenging circumstances.
Dr Austin O’Carroll, GP and Founder of Safetynet
5.30pm Seminar 5: Treating Concussion – An Overview
A leading expert in sports medicine will examine new treatments for concussion both on and off the field
Dr Tadhg Crowley, GP and Medical Officer Kilkenny Hurling Team
7.15pm Seminar 6: Economic Trends and Your Financial Future
IMO Financial Services will host this event to give an overview of economic trends and market performance that may affect your financial future and the importance of financial planning.
Mr Richard Temperley
Saturday 27th April
9am – 12pm National Specialty Meetings
12pm Seminar 7: Capacity and Reform
While there is much talk about reform the health services through Slaintecare there is little discussion on the need to rapidly increase capacity both in terms of physical infrastructure and staffing requirements in the health system. This session will examine how we need to move forward and the problems of capacity moving apace with reform.
Brian Turner, Economist, UCC
Dr Peadar Gilligan, Consultant in Emergency Medicine and IMO President
Lunch 1-2pm
2pm Address by the Minister for Health Mr Simon Harris
2.30pm Seminar 8: Creating a safe and quality environment for patients and doctors
This session will examine pathways which can lead to improvements in safety and quality for patients.
Dr Una Geary, Director of Quality and Safety Improvement, St James’s Hospital
Prof Gaye Cunnane, Director of Health and Well-being, RCPI
3.30pm Seminar 9: Open Disclosure (Patient Safety Bill)
This seminar will look at the provisions contained in the proposed legislation on mandatory open disclosure, what it will mean for the practice of medicine in Ireland and what will be expected of the profession. Critically the session will also examine the need to support, train and resource doctors and the system to allow disclosure to be dealt with for the benefit of patients.
Angela Tysall, National Lead Open Disclosure, HSE
Professor Sean Tierney, Dean of Professional Development and Practice, Surgical Affairs, RCSI
4.30pm Seminar 10: Ask the Medical Council
The Medical Council will outline the provisions of the Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Bill 2019 and what this will mean for the profession and the role of the Medical Council.
Dr Anthony Breslin, Vice President, Medical Council,
Mr William Kennedy, Director of Regulation, Medical Council
7.30pm Presidents Address, Dr Padraig McGarry
Cocktail Reception and Gala Banquet