UPDATED Transition Arrangements Public Only Consultant Contract
Following representation by the IMO regarding the ongoing delays for some members in transitioning to the Public Only Consultant Contract and the implications of that system delay in respect of the winding down of private practice the following has been agreed:
Where a Consultant submits their application to switch to the POCC 2023 by Friday 15th December the HSE will aim to complete the contracting process in January 2024 with an effective date in December 2023. This will allow the Consultant to avail of the two year transition period.
Copy of HSE Circular available here
We wish to remind members that we continue to offer individual meetings for consultants who wish to transfer to the new contract and of course and also offer Dept onsite meetings for you and your colleagues to assist with any issues you may have in relation to your contract entitlements. To arrange individual or group session, or submit any queries please email consultants@imo.ie.