Study Leave Entitlements For Consultants
This week we want to remind Consultant members of their Study Leave entitlements under their contract.
Study leave entitlements are as follows:
- Up to 7 days for continuing education or attendance at clinical meetings of societies appropriate to the Consultant’s specialty (excluding travel time);
- Attendance at courses, conferences, etc. approved by the Minister for Health, and which the Employer is satisfied are relevant to the work on which the Consultant is engaged;
- World Health Organisation or Council of Europe Fellowships
As you will be aware you may also be entitled to claim reimbursement for attending events and for other relevant expenses.
We would also remind members that the IMO is offering individual Consultant assessments for members who may be interested in availing of the new Public Only Consultant Contract (2023). If you wish to arrange an assessment please contact us at the details below.
If you have any queries on study leave or any other matters, please email or call us on (01) 6767273.