Caps on Professional Indemnity for Private Practice
The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has been advised by the Department of Health that the caps on indemnity for Consultants in wholly private practice have been amended in line with a Government decision from July 2013.
With effect from 1st July 2019, the revised rates for caps in respect of claims with an incident date on or after 1st July 2019 are as follows:
Consultant obstetricians, neurosurgeons, and orthopaedic surgeons undertaking spinal surgery -> €612,535.74 per clam, with an annual aggregate limit of €1,837,607.23 per Consultant
For all other specialties the limit is €1,225,071.49 per claim with no aggregate limit
For all claims above these limits, cover is provided by the Clinical Indemnity Scheme.
If you have any queries in this regard, please forward those to