B and C Factor Rest Entitlements
On-Call Allowances
Any on-call work is paid by way of B Factors and C Factors. The liability of being on call is covered by B Factor payments. C Factor payments are rates paid per call out made. The rates you will be paid vary depending on your frequency of call and can be viewed here
Applications for C-Factor payments are made through Medical Manpower/HR Department of your current employer. You must submit these claims no later than 3 months after the call relating to the claim. Please contact our Member Advisory Team on the below details if you have any issues securing C-Factor payments from your current or previous employer.
Rest Day Allowances
You are entitled to claim rest days if you have an on-call liability. The rest day entitlement varies and will either depend on your roster, or arising from a Labour Court Recommendation, is dependent on the event that gives rise to the rest. If you operate on a roster greater than 1:4 there is no entitlement to rest days due to the lesser time demand. We have outlined your rest day entitlements which can be viewed here
You are expected to take your rest days as near as possible to event that gave rise to the rest. If service demands do not allow you use your rest days, you may accumulate rest days for three months from the earliest date of on-call liability. After three months you may choose to be remunerated at a daily rate of the position you are in. You may choose to accumulate the days for a maximum of six months instead, at which point you must avail of the days or forfeit them.
If you have any queries regarding on-call or rest day allowances, please contact our Member Advisory Team by calling (01)6767273 or by emailing: consultants@imo.ie