Irish Medical Organisation

EGM Standing Orders

Approved by IMO Council March 2013

Under Rule 16.1 of the IMO Constitution & Rules
The Council of the Organisation shall have power to make such bye-laws as it shall deem necessary affecting the under mentioned matters…..(a) the provision of Standing Orders governing the conduct of general Branch, Specialty Group, Sub Committee and other meetings of the Organisation and meetings of Council.

  1. The meeting will be chaired by the President, or in his absence the Vice President, or in the absence the Honorary Treasurer, or in the absence of all three aforesaid the Honorary Secretary shall be Chairperson. In the event of the absence of all the officers of the Organisation, a Chairperson shall be elected by the members present.
  2. The President, if Chair, may deputise the Chair to the Vice President during the meeting
  3. No amendments shall be made or accepted to those motions duly notified to members (Rule 10.6)
  4. No business shall be transacted at the EGM (other than the adjournment thereof) unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. Forty (40) members personally present shall constitute a quorum except when a meeting is required to be adjourned by reason of the absence of a quorum, in which case the members present at the adjourned meeting shall be a quorum. (Rule 10.7)
  5. Only fully paid up IMO members may attend the meeting and those representatives of the Organisation staff and/or advisors that the Chairman deem appropriate. The Chairman has absolute discretion in removing all other persons from the meeting.
  6. Only those fully paid up members of the Organisation have voting rights and each member present shall be entitled to one vote (Rule 11.1 (2)).
  7. Honorary Members have no voting rights (Rule 7.5)
  8. Student Members have no voting rights (Rule 7.6)
  9. Rules of Debate
    i. Each motion to be considered by the meeting will be taken and voted upon separately.
    ii. The motion(s) will be proposed by the proposer or a representative of the proposing Committee.
    iii. Following the proposing of each motion the motion will be put to those present to debate.
    iv. Speakers from the floor, either for or against the motion, will
    a) Limit their contribution to five (5) minutes
    b) Stand when speaking and address the chair
    c) Address his/her speech to the motion under discussion only or to a question of order and shall not introduce any new matter
    d) Shall not address the meeting more than once on each motion
    e) The proposer of the motion will have a right of reply following the contributions of all speakers and before a vote on the motion is to be taken
    f) Upon a proposal and duly seconded by the meeting the motion will be put to a vote
  10. Voting
    i. The motion shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is (before or at the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded by the Chairperson or by at least 12 ordinary members present. (Rule 11.1)
    ii. In the case of equality of votes whether on a show of hands or on a poll, the Chairperson at the meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote. (Rule 11.2)
    iii. Votes shall be counted by persons appointed by the Chairperson for that purpose. No objection shall be made to the validity of any vote except at the meeting or poll at which such votes shall be tendered and every vote not disallowed at such meeting shall be valid. (Rule 11.3)
    iv. If a poll is demanded it shall be taken in such time and in such manner as the Chairperson shall direct, and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which it is demanded. No poll shall be permitted upon any question affecting the Chairperson of the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting.
  11. Chairman’s Discretion
    Any question arising in relation to the conduct of the Meeting which is not dealt with in these Standing Orders shall be determined by the Chairman at his/her absolute discretion.
  12. Duration of Standing Orders
    These Standing Orders shall remain in force for EGMs until amended or repealed by the Council of the Irish Medical Organisation.

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