Court case on living out allowance starts tomorrow
As you are aware the IMO has been engaged in legal proceedings against the HSE and Department of Health in relation to the reinstatement of the NCHD Living Out Allowance which was unilaterally withdrawn from all new entrant NCHDs since 2012. The case is before the High Court tomorrow, Tuesday 25th October and we will keep you updated in this regard.
It is extremely disappointing that the Department of Health and the HSE have refused to enter into discussions to resolve this matter and are forcing NCHDs to take matters to the Courts. The IMO wrote to The Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD seeking to have the matters negotiated but to date we have received no response. A copy of that letter can be found here
The lack of willingness by the Department and the HSE to discuss this and other important issues around the NCHD contract is indicative of the failure of the health service to address issues of concern to NCHDs.
Over recent weeks we have had many TIME FOR CHANGE MEETINGS in hospitals around the country and there is a huge level of anger and frustration amongst NCHDS. It is imperative that you attend your hospital TIME FOR CHANGE MEETING and make your voice heard.
Your National NCHD Committee will be meeting in the coming weeks to discuss plans for Industrial Action if the HSE and Department continue to ignore NCHDs.
Court Case featured in Irish Media
Irish Times IMO challenges abolition of junior doctors’ allowance in High Court
Irish Independent IMO brings High Court challenge over decision to abolish €61 junior doctors allowance
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