Irish Medical Organisation

AGM Programme 2015 - Scientific and CPD Sessions

Scientific Sessions
Scientific Session I – 2020 Vision – Planning Healthcare Capacity to Meet Demand
Friday 10th April 2015 3pm-5pm
This session will look at the capacity deficits facing both General Practice and the Hospital System and how our health system requires long-term planning to ensure patients have access to appropriate care in a safe environment. 
Stress on the Ward – Professor Ludwig Kuntz, Department of Business Administration and Health Care Management, University of Cologne,discusses recent research from Germany which highlights a safety tipping point in hospital occupancy levels beyond which clinical staff become more prone to error due to rationing of resources and elevated stress levels.
Structural Capacity Issues in the Irish Healthcare System – Professor Trevor Duffy, Out-going President, IMO, presents the structural capacity issues facing the Irish health system and the focus needed over the next five years to ensure capacity can meet demand with an ageing population.
Challenges in Medical Workforce Planning – Grant Fitzner, Centre for Workforce Intelligence, UKdiscusses the challenges in medical workforce planning facing health systems and the implications on the health system.

Scientific Session II – 2020 Vision – Breaking the Link between Deprivation and Poor Health
Saturday 11th April 2015 3pm-4.30pm
This session will look at some of the most recent data linking deprivation with poor mental and physical health and discusses the support services necessary across all departments and sectors required to break the cycle.
The link between Deprivation and Poor Mental and Physical Health – Professor Alan Kelly, TCD looking at the SAHRU index on deprivation and the evidence in relation to mortality and morbidity rates in deprived areas.
Caring for patients in deprived areas – Dr Edel McGinnity, GP, North-West Dublin expands on the everyday challenges of caring for patients from deprived backgrounds from a clinical perspective including the difficulties facing patients in accessing care. 
Improving Population Health in Deprived Areas – Dr James Flemming, Founder Green Dreams Project, East Lancashire, UK discusses the award-winning Green Dream Project CIC, a social enterprise to support people and communities in deprived areas in East Lancashire.
CPD Sessions
Thursday 9th April

Taxation Seminar – Medical Incorporation – Tax Magic or Myth 
Simone Hennessey, HSBC
Assessing Capacity and Assisted Decision Making in the Elderly 
Professor Shaun O’Keeffe, Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Lecturer, NUI Galway
Friday 10th April
Child Protection – Ethical and Legal Obligations for Medical Professionals  
8.30am – 10am 
John O’Connor, Managing Partner, O'Connor Solicitors
Saturday 11th April
Professional Performance and the Corbally v. The Medical Council Case   
John O’Connor, Managing Partner, and O'Connor Solicitors and Brendan Curran, Associate, O'Connor Solicitors
Doctors - The second victims of medical error
Dr John Byrne, Regional GP Advisor, Care Quality Commission 

Full Programme details are available here
Keynote Speeches

  • Prof Trevor Duffy will launch the IMO's 2020 Vision for Health on Friday 10th @2pm
  • Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar will address the AGM on Saturday 11th @1.30pm
  • Dr Ray Walley, Incoming President will deliver his opening address on Saturday 11th @8pm

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