Irish Medical Organisation

NCHD National Meeting Motions

Saturday 14th April 2012

9.00am – 12 noon

  Motions 1- 25

1.   The IMO calls upon the Minister for Health, the HSE and hospital managers to honour the NCHD Contract in full.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

  Status - Carried

2.  The IMO calls on the Minister for Health to ensure that, in line with the NCHD Contract 2010, NCHDs are fully remunerated for all hours worked and not offered time off in lieu or any other substitute for their contractual entitlement.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status - Carried

3. The IMO implores the Minister for Health to directly intervene immediately in resolving the outstanding contractual issues plaguing NCHDs, which the HSE have consistently failed to advance in any form over the past two years.

Proposer: Dr Mark Murphy Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

Status - Carried

4. The IMO asks the Minister for Health and Children to ensure responsible action is taken against renegade managers in the HSE who target NCHD Term and Conditions, despite HSE stated policy not to do so.

Proposer: Dr Mark Murphy Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

Status : Carried

5. The IMO calls upon HIQA to make a statement on the impact on patient safety of the continued practice of making NCHDs routinely work shifts in excess of 24 hours.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

6. The IMO calls upon the HSE to conduct and publish a thorough occupational health review of the effects on NCHDs of working shifts in excess of 24 hours.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

7. The IMO implores all hospital employers to ensure Working Time Act compliant rosters, as per their legal requirement.

Proposer: Dr Mark Murphy Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

Status : Carried

8. The IMO implores the Minister for Health and Children to take appropriate action against responsible managers in the HSE who do not provide honest and transparent information when recruiting doctors from non-EU countries.

Proposer: Dr Mark Murphy Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

Status : Carried

9. The IMO asks the HSE to reform their unsatisfactory NCHD recruitment policies over the past year in favour of pursuing a retention strategy.

Proposer: Dr Mark Murphy Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

Status : Carried

10. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health to establish a working group with the IMO to deal with the retention and recruitment of NCHDs.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

11.The IMO calls on the HSE to centrally administer NCHD salaries so that NCHDs will have a single employer/employee identifier within the tax system rather than having to change employer several times per year and deal with the paperwork and payment issues that ensues.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

12. In order to promote more efficient work practices, the IMO calls on the HSE, as the employer of NCHDs, to centralise storage of NCHD employee records such as Garda Clearance Forms, Occupational Health Forms, Payment and Tax Details, while maintaining security of this information. This would result in significant savings in medical manpower administration time and allow NCHDs to move to different hospitals with greater ease and efficiency.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

13. Having quoted the figure of €1 million euro publicly, the IMO calls upon the Minister for Health to give precise details of the costs involved in the training of an average doctor to specialist level.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

14. The IMO calls on METR and the postgraduate training bodies to publish on an annual basis the accounts of the NCHD Training Fund.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

15. The IMO asks HSE-MET and all NCHD employers (both hospital and PCCC managers) ensure a streamlined system exists to prevent NCHDs incurring a prolonged delay in receiving their entitled refunding.

Proposer: Dr Mark Murphy Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

Amendment: The IMO asks HSE-MET and all NCHD employers (both hospital and PCCC managers) or training bodies to ensure a streamlined system exists to prevent NCHDs incurring a prolonged delay in receiving their entitled refunding.

Status : Amended Motion Carried

16. The IMO calls on the HSE and the Department of Health & Children to remove the cap on appropriate exam fees currently available for NCHDs and to appropriately reimburse NCHDs sitting appropriate examinations.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

17. The IMO calls upon the HSE METR to directly fund trainees whose training bodies are unable to provide adequate training supports.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Amendment: The IMO calls upon the HSE METR to directly fund all NCHDs (both training and non training) whose training bodies are unable to provide adequate training supports and/or professional development. 

Status : Amended Motion Carried

18. The IMO calls on the HSE to ensure that NCHDs are not forced to work outside of their area of competence, such as inappropriate cross cover which may put patients at risk.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

 Status : Carried

19. The IMO calls on the Department of Health and Children, the HSE and hospital management to work in a mutually respectful way with NCHDs as colleagues who share a common goal of providing high quality, safe and cost effective care to patients.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Amendment: The IMO calls on the Department of Health , the HSE and hospital management to work in a mutually respectful way with NCHDs as colleagues who share a common goal of providing high quality, safe and cost effective care to patients.

 Status : Amended Motion Carried

20. The IMO calls upon the Minister for Health to immediately end the practice of requiring NCHDs to give first dose of intravenous medications.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Amendment: The IMO calls upon the Minister for health to immediately end the practice of compulsorily requiring NCHDs to give all first dose of intravenous medications thus preventing unnecessary delays in patients receiving vital medication.

 Status : Amended Motion Carried

21. The IMO requests the HSE allocates SpR status to GP Registrars, as Higher Specialist Trainees, to merit their experience, work-load and service provision.

Proposer: Dr Mark Murphy Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

 Status : Carried

22. This meeting supports the ongoing implementation of the IMO NCHD Strategy, particularly the full and complete implementation of the 2010 NCHD Contract, the development of NCHD Retention Strategies including capacity planning, and the clarification of the terms and conditions for long term and non-EU doctors.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status : Carried

23. The IMO respectfully requests the PGTBs to insist and enforce upon training hospitals and trainers, in an open, neutral and transparent fashion, the standards decreed by the same college for training provision.

Proposer : Mark Murphy Seconder : Michael Barrett

Status : Carried

24. The IMO respectfully requests the PGTBs to consider removal of training posts, or to introduce a formal warning system, for training hospitals that persistently fail to meet those standards of training as set out by the training body. This would include situations when a training hospital does not implement the NCHD national contract.

Proposer : Mark Murphy Seconder : Michael Barrett

Status : Carried

25. The IMO respectfully requests the PGTBs to employ a uniformly transparent, equitable and non-partisan methodology in dealing with trainee concerns specific to the quality and site of training, so that trainees may act without fear of unfair repercussions.

Proposer : Mark Murphy Seconder : Michael Barrett

Status : Carried

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